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The Advantages of Mini Splits in Desert Climates

Efficient and Flexible HVAC Solutions for Harsh Weather Conditions

In climates like those in Coachella Valley, individual temperature control can help you feel comfortable at home and save energy and money. A system like a mini-split is a great choice when you want to have more control of the temperatures at home. Mini split HVAC options are comprised of an outdoor compressor or condenser and an indoor air handling unit typically installed in up to four rooms in your home, determined by your individual air temperature control needs.

Learn more and request a free quote from a member of our team by contacting the mini split installers at Earl’s Air Conditioning in the Coachella Valley.

3 Major Benefits of a Mini Split HVAC

The benefits of a ductless mini split system are plenty, including high efficiency, environmental friendliness, and versatility. All of these qualities can help lower your utility costs and your environmental footprint.

  • Efficiency is one of the greatest benefits of a mini split ductless system. During crisp, cold months, it is beneficial to have the versatility to heat each room differently based on the activities or needs of each room. Common areas may be kept warmer, while bedrooms can be cooler for better sleep at night. If one family member needs a warmer bedroom but the common areas of the house can be left cool, then a mini split is perfect. In the summertime, you can cool only the rooms you are in rather than using energy to cool the whole house.
  • Along with efficiency comes environmental friendliness, because you are saving on energy and usage by only heating and cooling the rooms you want to, you reduce your energy impact. Additionally, with the variability of the compressor’s power, there is a continually lower pull for energy rather than surges as it turns on and off.
  • With a mini split, ductless system, you have the versatility of indoor head placement, rather than installing only on walls, it can be placed on the floor or ceiling, as well. You can heat and cool based on your needs.

How Is a Mini Split More Efficient?

Ductless mini-split systems do not lose air due to duct leakage, accounting for 25% of cooled or heated air loss through poor connections, tears, and other leaks. Without this loss, energy and air are conserved, helping to keep your costs down. These systems are also efficient in removing dust and debris from your home’s air. This is a critical element in windy, dusty areas like the desert of the Coachella Valley.

In harsh, climates like that of the Coachella Valley, we rely on air conditioning for much of the year. Because of this, we need the most efficient system for our individual needs. Ductless mini splits lose less air, can be controlled room by room, and help to remove dust and debris from your home’s air.

Overall, mini splits are:

  • Quieter than traditional HVAC systems
  • Long-lasting
  • Reliable and versatile
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Efficient

Let Earl’s AC Help Your Choose the Perfect HVAC System for Your Coachella Valley Home

Whether you are considering switching to a different system for your heating and cooling needs or are planning a new installation, the experts at Earl’s Air Conditioning can help. Our Coachella Valley HVAC installers can help you determine if a ductless mini split is right for you and what the steps will be for installation.

Contact the Coachella Valley HVAC professionals at Earl’s Air Conditioning to get started today!

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